LGI Wines
This company is based in Carcassonne in southern France. They specialise in sourcing wines from throughout the region, with reds generally coming from the Mediterranean, in particular the St-Chinian area, and whites from the Gascony area where they are fresher and crisper.
The winemaking team is led by Xavier Roger, son of Jean Max Roger from whom we have bought Menetou Salon and Sancerre for many years. He also has responsibility for viticulture and works with growers to improve their methods. Modern vinification techniques are used and they aim to produce fresh, clean, well packaged and modern wines.
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ALC 13.5%France£10.20 / per bottleMedium-bodiedPasta, Bolognese
ALC 12.5%FranceV VG£10.60 / per bottleMedium-bodiedBeef Casserole
ALC 13%FranceV VG£10.70 / per bottleMedium-bodiedGame Casserole
ALC 12.5%France£10.50 / per bottleDry and full
ALC 11.5%FranceV VG
£9.70£5.70 / per bottleMedium-dry -